Top 10 Mythical Creatures Caught On Camera

Top 10 Mythical Creatures Caught On Camera

Internet and social media are the great things to see odd creatures that you may not believe they are exist. Here are top 10 mythical creatures caught on camera with unbelievable look. Check them out!

10 Mythical Creatures Caught On Camera

1.      Zimbabwe’s Goblin Crisis

In 2012 there is a Goblin crisis in Zimbabwe which starts from St. Sebastian Secondary School. The students claimed to be attacked by the Goblin that looks like a very small dwarf.

2.      Icelandic Monster Spotted in Iceland Cake

There is a YouTube video that showing a weird shape creature moving with odd manner under the ice which many people believe it as ancient creature. It becomes sensational news in 2012.

3.      Real Dragon with Tornado in China

In 2014, there are two students from China that claimed to take a shot of some creature using their phone camera. The creature has been identified to have a long body shape (about 33 ft), four legs, and a tail. Don’t know whether it is a real Chinese dragon or just an effect of the tornado.

4.      The Mermaid that was caught on tape in Kiryat Yam, Israel

It has been a long time that mermaid becomes one of the most popular mythical creatures. There was a report that some local and tourist in Israel spotted a young girl with mixture of dolphin in the sea vanished beneath the waves.

5.      The Taniwha On Google Earth

An engineer called Witehira has spotted a mysterious creature using Google Earth around Oke Bay in New Zealand. He believed that the creature is a giant creature from Maori legend, namely Taniwha, a dragon like spirit.

6.      The Falcon’s Nest Pixie Skeleton

In 2015, there is a picture that showed up a mini creature with humanoid shape. It can be seen that the creature consists of the skull as well as spine and rib cage. Of course it makes people assumed that the small creature is none other than mythical Cornish Pixie.

7.      Werewolf Sighting Caught on Camera

There is someone who discovers the body of dead werewolf-look creature. It has black color and lay in the trench. Many people believe that it is not a real werewolf, just a burned pig that has been shot. Do you believe it?

8.      The Alabama Leprechaun

This is happen in 2006; a camera crew from local TV station investigated some crowds in Alabama. And people on the crowds said that they are spotted a creature which looks like a leprechaun hiding in a nearby tree. Even there is an amateur sketch that has been made to show what the leprechaun creature looks like.

9.      Aswang Attacks in Central Mindanao

Villagers in Mindanao claimed to be attacked by Aswang which turn out to be a blood drinking mythical creature. In addition, some people believe it can turns out into dog or pig.

10.  Unicorn sighting in England

This mystical creature known well worldwide and we often see it in movies and such. There have been a number of videos that show a unicorn has been caught on tape and one of them is in England.

That’s 10 mythical creaturescaught on camera, you may believe whether they are really exist or not.

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