10 Undersea Creatures with Terrifying Teeth You Never Know Existed

10 Undersea Creatures You Never Know Existed

Underwater world saves lot of amazing creatures with terrifying teeth that maybe you never know they are existed. Here are 10 undersea creatures with strange looking shapes.

10 Undersea Creatures with Terrifying Teeth You Never Know Existed

1.      Gob-Faced Squid/Promachoteuthis Sulcus

Promachoteuthis Sulcus or unofficially also known as Gob-Faced Squib appears to have a human like dentition which in fact, a folded and circular lips that surround the beak when the animal isn’t feeding.

2.      Goliath Tigerfish/ Hydrocynus Goliath

This fish has 32 razor sharp teeth located at the edge of their jaw which help them to cut and give such terrifying menace. The sizes of this Tigerfish still become a debate, but report said that this species has up to 50 kilograms of weight and more than 1 meter in length.

3.      Sea Lamprey/ Petromyzon Marinus

This creature possesses an eel-like body which can stretch more than 18 in or 45 centimeters. Even though this species has cartilaginous body, but it does not have bones, paired fins, scales, swim bladder, and a lateral fine.

4.      Fangtooth Moray Eel/Enchelycore Anatina

The Moray has slender form and elongated body with pointed head. This is one of the amazing predators that like to target smaller species using its clear and sharp glass-like teeth.

5.      Cookiecutter Shark/Isistius Brasiliensis

Male Cookiecutter has a smaller body compared with the female one; it has 40 centimeters as the maximum size while the female is around 60 centimeters. Even though they have small bodies, they still like to target larger species.

6.      Narwhal/Monodon Monoceros

Narwhal is not a whale but a species of porpoise with body measure up to 16 feet in length. Their unique tooth makes them known also as ‘unicorns of the sea’. The male one has spiraled canine and enlarged tooth.

7.      Black Dragonfish/Idiacanthus Atlanticus

This black creature is occurring at southern hemisphere in 2,000 meters deep-sea. A female Dragonfish can reach up to 16 in or 40 centimeters in length while the male has smaller body and barely reach 5 centimeters plus has a brown color in body rather than black.

8.      Bobbit Worm/Eunice Aphroditois

This worm can exceed 3 feet or more than 1 meter and it is a predator which likes to hide before attacking its prey. It has scissors-like gape when its jaw is wide open.

9.      Eastern Beaded Chiton/Chaetopleura Apiculata

Chiton is relatively small because it only has measure about 1 in or 25 millimeters in size. Its teeth are used to rasp algae off the rock then feeding it to itself. This species has one of the hardest teeth in the animal kingdom made from magnetite tips.

10.  Leatherback Turtle/Dermochelys Coriacea

Leatherback is the largest turtle in the world because the measure can reach more than 7 feet or 2 meters. However, it does not have bony shell just like any other turtle that you often found. They prey soft-bodied species like jellyfish and their teeth are adapted to catch such targets.

That’s 10 undersea creatures with scary teeth and unbelievable body form which maybe you never know existed.

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