10 Disturbing Things Caught on Tape You Never Saw

There are billions of people around the world with different personalities which is a recipe for disaster, welcome to this list where we give you several disturbing tings caught on tape. People tend to do stupid acts, and many of those stupid acts resulted in disgusted looks on people’s faces, here are some of them.

These disturbing things caught on tape really happen!

        1.      Almost naked man

There was a man riding his bicycle in public, but wait, he only wore a thing and nothing else.

2.      Fitting clothes? Nope!

Fat people, especially in USA, there are several disturbing pictures of fat people wearing unfitting clothes, why don’t they get a much more suitable clothing?

3.      The kid is the winner

Violence is never right, but there is a record shows a kid beating other kid (very badly!) and posing his victory pose, surprisingly it’s on the open public and nobody trying to stop the fight.

4.      Why should I care?

People are taught to help other, but not this man. He saw a car caught a fire on the road, but he don’t care, it’s not his car. The man does not even try to call on the fire department, he just watching and went away.

5.      Lovely and cute pet indeed

Many people are afraid of snakes, but many also love snakes and have them as pets. What is disturbing though, carrying your pet snake in the open without any care that other people might not appreciate that kind of behavior and forgot to add, it’s a poisonous snake.

6.      Trapped in the box

Once again, when you want to go outside, wear proper clothes. You cannot just go outside, walking around with just cardboard covering your body without people looking at you weirdly. But that does not apply for this woman who covered her body with just a box.

7.      Post-it car

Pranks could be funny, but it could annoy the other people. There is this picture that show a girl covering a car with post-it not; she literally covered the whole car. In the picture we can also see the rage owner of the car shouting at the girl; don’t do prank to stranger, most of the time it will ended up badly.

8.      Big old baby?

A man wearing women clothes in the open is already weird enough, but what about an old dude; a very old due, wearing an oversized baby’s outfit? That is what happened in the particular picture and the clothing comes with a pacifier also.

9.      Unusual robbery

A robbery image is already disturbing enough, but what about a robbery done by kids? This really shows up that there are many kids out there that need proper education or probably their government should care about them more. If a robbery with kids is super disturbing then there are also pictures about a robbery done by old men, and by “old men” we mean several guys which are 50 years older.

10.  Shopping while naked? Why Not?!

Not wearing proper clothes or wearing only minimal clothes are very disturbing, but not wearing any clothes at all, not to mention that the person walk through the store nonchalantly, this man has real courage or just plain don’t have any care left to give.

We are sure that there are more disturbing pictures out there, but these are not only the most disturbing things caught on tape, but it also shows the state of humanity right now.

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