7 Mysterious Flying Creatures and Things Caught on Camera

There are things that science and common sense can’t even comprehend, here are 7 mysterious flying creatures and things caught on camera. The world is a mysterious place, we are still finding new discoveries every day, but these 7 creatures or things are not something that you see every day.

Check these 7 mysterious flying creatures and things caught on camera

1.      Flying mosque dome in Maluku, Indonesia

A saucer like unidentified object are seen flying in Maluku in 1993, this mysterious flying object is believed to be a dome of a mosque due to its shape. Many eyes witnesses claim that it was a dome from a mosque that was undergoing a renovation at the time the thing was caught flying. This is strange indeed, especially considering the size of a mosque dome is about one hundred pounds or more.

2.      An angel was seen on Brazil

On November 27th 2014 a video was uploaded into YouTube, it was about something strange that happened in Brazil, there were two flying objects believed to be angels seen flying among the clouds. Both creatures has white wings like eagles, but it has long body that resembles human, thus the viewers of the video believed that they have seen angles flying.

3.      Flying dragon in England

On early 2015, a video called “Dragon caught on camera in London” was uploaded on the internet and it becomes a hot rumor on the internet instantly. On the video, you can see a flying dragon; this flying creature very realistically resembles a European dragon or wyvern with two huge wings and lizard-like body.

4.      Superman in India

In 2014, someone uploaded a 33 seconds video showing a flying man, the video stated that it was taken in Qutub Minar, India. No one knows whether or not the one flying in the sky was a human or not, but from the shape of the creature, it surely does look very humanoid.

5.      Flying white horse in Gaza

This one is a bit more controversial than the other. Sometimes ago, a video displaying a battle between a white flying horse against a group of fighter jets was released on YouTube. The incident take place on Gaza and the fighter jets involved are Israeli’s. The white flying horse was seen fighting and destroying the jet fighters, what’s more surprising, that hose seemingly do not carry any weapon at all, but the fighter jets were seen destroyed and exploded.

6.      Supergirl seen in Russia

If there was a video of a superman in India, Russia also got its own flying humanoid video, but this one is about a little girl that was seen flying. The video shows a girl and an older lady traveling together while the older lady is walking, the small girl was seen flying. When she realized that someone was recording the whole incident, she quickly comes down and run away.

7.      Another flying horse seen in Mecca

Another flying horse was seen galloping in thin air on Mecca; this horse is a different horse to the previous one. The flying horse recorded was black and has no wings, instead of flying the horse was seen galloping freely on the air during a thunderstorm.

Many are doubting the authenticity of these 7 mysterious flying creatures and things caught on camera, but while we can’t really prove that they does exist, there is also no proof that shows that they are not either.

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