Top 5 Best Monster Movies You Have to Watch

The challenging movie is usually a fantasy movie that contains monster, ghost, demon or something like that. 

1. Anaconda

Anaconda is one of top 5 best monster movies. Eric Scoltzas Steve Caleand Jennifer Lopez as Terri Flores are the actor and the actress of this movie, there are also some others. Steve Cale is an anthropologist and Terri Flores is a producer of documentary movie. This movie tells about their journey to Amazon forest to find an ethnic group. Their journey is being disturbed by Paul Sorone who tries to lie to them about the way to find that ethnic group. He admits that he knows the place where an ethnic group lives; unfortunately he goes to a nest of a very big snake, Anaconda. It is the beginning of the scariest scene of this movie.

2. Deep Blue Sea

Another movie that belongs to top 5 best monster movies is Deep Blue Sea movie. This movie released in 1999. It begins while some people try to do an experiment with sharks in an observation. Yet, the shark in an observation tries to rebel and attack people around the observation place. A shark attacks Jim and uses his body to destroy the wall and let other sharks free from the cage. All people there try to go up to avoid its attack. Some people died and some others try to kill the shark to save themselves.

3. Deep Rising

Next is DeepRising movie, it is also one of top 5 best monster movies. It is a story about some professional pirates who see a luxurious ship. They plan to rob that ship but there is no passenger in the ship. A lot of bloods are on the floor and ship wall, the pirates curious what is happening there. The pirates look for the causes of this incident and they also become the victims of a big snake that becomes the monster in this slaughter case.

4. Mimic

Mimic is the title of one of top 5 best monster movies. It tells about a story in Manhattan. It is about a mystery of the losing people in Manhattan underground railway station. It begins while Susan Tyler tries to create a creature to destroy all cockroaches in that railway. She makes the creature by combining some genetics engineer and some substances. For the beginning, it works successfully but after that it becomes a very dangerous monster.

5. Alien

The last one, a monster movie that is very popular and becomes one of top 5 best monster movies is Alien movie. The monster in this movie is alien. After the alien eggs cracked, they need human to continue their life and then after their strength become stronger, they will out of the body and attack people. The researchers are successful to breed the alien eggs. They put the alien babies in a room with high security until Ripley can communicate to them since he has Alien cell inside his body. But the alien tries to come out the room, and attack all plane crews. 

Then, which movie do you prefer to watch at first?

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